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Capital Campaign Pledge

Support the future of the National Museum of Women in the Arts with a gift to the museum's Space to Soar capital campaign to renovate, restore and revitalize its historic building.

Gifts of all amounts are greatly appreciated. Multi-year pledge gifts are available beginning at the $5,000 level. To make a donation for less than $5,000, please click here.

The first installment of your pledge will be charged upon submission of this form. To make a future pledge, please download the Campaign Pledge Form or contact Julia Garrett at

Your name(s) will be recognized as a supporter of the capital campaign.

Total One-Time/Multi-Year Pledge Amount*

$25,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 Other

Payment Option

Payment Frequency
Payment Preference

Other Ways to Give

For more information on how to make a one-time contribution via check, wire transfer, or gift of appreciated stock/securities, please download the Campaign Pledge Form or contact Julia Garrett at


Call 866-875-4627 or email

Prefer to pay by check?

Please print and mail this form with your contribution to:

National Museum of Women in the Arts
Post Office Box 120
Merrifield, VA 22116-9640

Be sure to include Space to Soar in the memo line of your check.